Sunday, January 22, 2012

Winter Recital

Scott's job:  refreshments.  He came home with cookies and discount Christmas suckers.  The weather was perfect for holiday suckers!

Scott and Chris.  From the DHS tennis team to this...sitting through recitals while wondering why their wives make them do these things.
Phebe and her Twinkle Trophy
 Our amazing accompanist, Jennifer and her daughter Elise, who is a student of Ruby's.

Winter came yesterday just in time for my violin recital.  The driving rain turned to big, wet flakes just in time to make me nervous about people braving the icy roads to get to the recital.  Everyone made it safely, though, and the snow-laden trees outside the windows were a gorgeous backdrop for a brief recital.  Freestone played Gavotte and did a good job.  He's trying to get ready for Book One graduation next week.  Today, he has a goal of playing his song 20 times.  If he does, he gets to buy a Skylander figure.  The older girls asked why Freestone gets a reward for practicing.  I told them, "Ask and ye shall receive.  He had a plan."  Whatever motivates him!

Golda and Ruby's students played at the recital, too.  Teaching is such a great opportunity for them.  I'm proud of them for doing a good job of it.  Ruby's little Phebe earned her Twinkle trophy.  She was great on those variations!

Now that the recital is over, we're one step closer to being ready for the baby!


Queen Elizabeth said...

Fantastic. Way to go Freestone. Love the photo of Chris and Scott - seems like yesterday, eh?

Nate said...

Circe, you are still amazing. Can't imagine planning a recital so close:)

laurel said...

HOw in the heck do you do all that you do?! Wow. I want a cookie.