Friday, July 12, 2013

It Stings a Little!

Yesterday I got stung by a bee on my thumb at Cherry Hill.  It was waiting in my bag of grapes to ambush me.  The nerve!  Can you believe it?

I told my kids this morning, "Hey, did you guys know I got stung by a bee at Cherry Hill yesterday?  And it really hurt!"


Freestone:  "Meh."

Xanthe:  "Not that interesting, Mom."

Ari:  "I got attacked by a swarm of hornets once, and nobody even cared!"

Reaping what I sow, alright.  I'll have you all know, however, that I did offer Ari a box of baking soda and access to Google when she got attacked by that swarm of hornets.


laurel said...

I care! That hurts. Dang hornet.

Anonymous said...

Oww! Those hurt, sorry.