Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kaysville to Omaha

 We had such a fun first day!  As planned, we got up at 2:00 am and left at 2:20...well, 2:27.  So everything was perfect as we waved good-bye to Scott and pointed the car east.  Perfect for about seven minutes.  The Tizzy threw up.  Seriously, seven minutes into the trip.

But so what?  I'm not scared of puke.  We cleaned it up at a gas station and carried on.  The first two hours when you leave at 2:27 are easy, because of the rush of taking off.  The next two or three hours are the hardest because it's dark, you're getting tired and you're getting bored.  And you don't want to stop because the kids are asleep.  I entertained myself by saying out loud, "This is the hardest part.  This is the hardest part."  I did get a jolt of adrenaline when a little bunny ran in front of my car.  I grunted loudly, for some reason, and miraculously the bunny didn't get hit.  So that kept me going, and then lo and behold, the sun came up, the kids stirred and I got reenergized.

Breakfast in Laramie, and then we texted our friend Susanna to see if we could come see her new digs in Cheyenne.  (Her home is gorgeous!) We had talked before, and she was thrilled that we would stop by.  We spent a fun few minutes catching up, bathing Tizzy in the sink and brushing the dog.  The dog was so funny, he brought his brush to Freestone in his mouth, dropped it and laid down on his back.  Free loved it.  When I posted this pic on Instagram, I said, "Nothing better than friends along the way who don't flinch when you show up and say, "Can I wash the vomit off my baby in your kitchen sink?'"  Susanna was completely unfazed by my request.  She is a gem.

 After our visit, we hit the road hard til North Platte.  Lunch and then the county fair.  It was actually the day before the fair, which was perfect.  It was free and we got to see all the people bringing their animals to check them in, bathe them and set them up for the shows.  The kids got to pet chickens and rabbits.  Such a bunny rabbit theme today!  We also bought plates full of cookies at the 4-H sale, for cheap!

 Such funny poultry!  Freestone, who declared himself a sit-down comedian in the car, said that when he is in charge of the world, nobody will eat animals.  Looking at these adorable birds, it's hard to disagree.  I mean, could you snap that neck??

Some of the day is a blur, and I guess it's because we were driving along, watching movies and singing songs.  I am saddened to think of all the times I've driven across Wyoming and Nebraska and thought the terrain was ugly.  It's so beautiful!  And it got more lush and verdant as we traveled east.  I breathed in the humid air and just sat back and enjoyed the scenery.  Aaaah, road trips are like childbirth.  I could do both every single day.  It's just inspiring.

We got a little behind schedule at the county fair, so we drove straight to Winter Quarters to see the temple and the visitors center.  Wow!  I had never seen this beautiful, small temple.  It's only been there since 2001, and it is just stunning.  There is a cemetery on the grounds where over 300 saints are buried, who didn't survive the winter of 1846.  As we drove up to the temple, I started to tell the kids about the pioneers.  Of course, I immediately got choked up and was bawling, talking in this squeaky voice, choking out the story of how so many saints made the ultimate sacrifice for the gospel.  Tziporah started mimicking me, blabbering in this pinched falsetto voice, "Meep meep meeeep, mep mep mep!"  It was SO funny!

 Geez, my hair is REALLY pink!
 So strange and cool...a little bunny came across the grass at the temple to see us.

 So neat that we got to be here on Pioneer Day, too.

 I was grateful and humbled to be able to end such a blessed, beautiful day in such a hallowed place.  The sister missionary who showed my kids around the visitors center bore testimony to them that Heavenly Father sends angels to protect them, just as he did for the pioneers.  She said she could feel the spirits of those who died at Winter Quarters.  It was a neat thing.  I am thankful that we were protected on our drive, and thankful that we will never have to make that long walk across the frozen plains to protect our religious freedoms.  It is awe-inspiring that I have ancestors who did that for me.
The only thing frozen about our experience on the plains of Nebraska today were the salted caramel dilly bar-like treats we had on the way to our hotel.  Delish!  Now the kids are tucked in and I am washing all the blankets - victims of the vomit.  (In a washing machine!  No pioneer theme here!)  Can't wait to see what Day Two brings!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you are all tucked in. What's a little throw- up along the way? My sister, Pat, threw up on me on our flight to LA in Opa's small plane. Longggg flight. Not as long as your drive, but then, you are seasoned. Let's just call today the "bunny day." Coco

michelle said...

I thought for sure with that bunny theme you were going to say you ate rabbit for dinner! You amaze me, look at what a fantastic adventure you have already had! But thanks for blogging so I can feel like I'm along for the ride! Be Safe!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are there safe and day one is behind you. Sounds like it was a success, in spite of the vomit! You really can make the best of a bad situation! and I admire you for it. The visit to the Temple looks awesome, love the bunny theme all the way along with you, maybe you have a traveling bunny keeping you safe and awake. When I need inspiration, there always seems to be a red breasted robin hopping along saying "it will be okay", maybe your guardian angel is a bunny! Enjoy Day two, hope you are getting a good night's sleep...Love travel tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

P.S. What a cute dog story of Free and the cute dog. Tricia

sws said...

This makes me want to load the kids in the car and follow you! Seven minutes I would have driven back home defeated from the vomit - you are inspiring, Circe. Love the pics. Keep posting! We want to hear about the whole preposterous perfect plan.

DeBryFamily said...

Great to hear the updates! We are eagerly awaiting your arrival and hope you have a fun, safe trip.
TN DeBry's

Jennie said...

Thanks for all the details. I'm so glad you have Wi-Fi so we can experience the trip vicariously through you.

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Wow, how great! LOL, I thought the same think when I saw your hair- it IS pink! So fun:) You are such a great mom!

jenn said...

I would have to agree that road trips are like child birth, but I do not agree on the reason! Painful, in my book!

Nate said...

You are courageous and adventuresome to take five children cross country. Good luck on your trip:)

The homestead said...

Love hearing about your trip!! Keep us updated.

Amanda said...

Hey! We were just in North Platte last week when we drove back to Utah from Illinois! We should have shared tips on where to stop for fun for the kids! I'm glad you're trip is going well! Good luck! Oh, if you stop in Avoca, NE on your way back they have a great park with awesome old fashioned seesaws - you know, the dangerous kind?! My kids were in heaven!

laurel said...

How fabulous!