Saturday, July 6, 2013

Two Kinds of People...

Over the past few months, I've discovered that people can be divided into two groups:  the group that thinks it sounds like a fantastic adventure to drive a van full of kids across the country, and the group who would rather clean toilets in a gulag run by Lindsay Lohan's mother.

Me, I fall into the first category...if 1.  It's the middle of winter and I'm feeling just manic enough to plan an epic journey and/or 2. my kids are asleep or otherwise not around.

If said kids are awake and present, then I fall into the second group.  I look at each of them individually, then I look at them as a group, fighting over the last half-melted popsicle, and I think, "You are all idiots.  I can't believe I planned a scenario where I have to be in a car with you for 8 days straight."

What I think I am experiencing is stage fright, or possibly buyer's remorse, so I'll have to go by empirical evidence here.  I have been on vacation with these kids and loved it.  They are great kids.  I have driven them long distances by myself (California and Montana more than once) and they were very well-behaved.  I rock the mom gig.

I have to write these things down because recently, these kids' behavior cause me to turn to Scott and say angrily, "I could be SUCH a fun mom.  If I didn't have kids."

Is it my fault if they won't go along with all my fun plans?  They always have to ruin everything with quarreling and whining and dumping their dinner in the garbage and spray painting the driveway.  How can I be fun when people are not following my script?   I have actually threatened my children with, "If you can't get along, I'm going to trade you in for some kids who like to have fun!"

Last I checked, that was number one on the Top Ten Things Never to Say to Your Fragile, Precious Children.  But come on, what kid doesn't want to go to the pool?  There have to be some kids out there who just wanna have fun and are willing to obey a nice, reasonable mom in exchange for unlimited fun (After their chores and practicing are done with no complaining.)

When I really think about it, now that all the kids are sleeping angelically in their nice, clean beds, I can't wait to hit the open road with five bright-eyed, curious, clever, witty, adventurous, good-natured children.  And I think I have just the bunch right here in my own home, if they would just stay asleep. :)


michelle said...

Perfectly timed post! Just this afternoon I told William that I thought we really should have just stuck with raising tropical fish and skipped the kid thing. Yeah, mine were fighting. My standard lines with my kids are that I am going to sell them to the gypsies and that there are other children just lined up wishing I would be there mom. Didn't want you to feel all alone there. But honestly you DO rock the mom thing and this is going to be a trip you all remember forever!

Jennie said...

I had to break up a fight right before I read this. :) I think your trip will be great. Everyone will find their new groove as you get going. We can't wait to read about the things you see and all of the travel experiences!

Taylor Family said...

So after Kip had the 3rd accident today I told him he needed a new Mommy that was patient enough to deal with him. I suck as a parent. You will have so much fun on your trip. And now Scott has me stuck on going to Thailand. So I am planning a trip there in January of 2015. You should come.

Anonymous said...

You do rock and do the Mom gig right. Such cute pictures, love the ones of all, but ohhh so cute, Tz and Pt! You will have so much fun on your trip I am sure..just go with the flow! and take it as it the spontaneous person you are when deciding on where to go and where to stop..have fun, be careful and enjoy, a trip to remember! xo Tricia

Jenny said...

I think you are brave to even think about the trip and that earns you major good mom points. Following through with it gives you platinum mom status!! I can relate with the don't want to go to the pool bit. The other day I was told I was the worst mom in the world because I went to the wrong pool! Good luck on the drive and just think, it's law that your kids are tied down for the next eight days. Gotta be an upside with that!