Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Other Side of the Mountain

 Thirty-four minutes away from our house is a beautiful place where we hardly ever go.  Man, we're lazy!  We went yesterday, though, because Nikki and Clint invited us to go up to Pineview and boat.  They are so generous.  No sooner had we set our things down in a randomly selected spot on the beach, when Nikki and Clint pulled their boat right up to us as if they had been paid a hefty sum to make our day perfect in every way.  They hadn't been paid beans, of course, but they did provide us with a crazy-wonderful afternoon that lasted well into the evening.

All the kids got a chance to wake board and boat and eat licorice and play on the beach to their hearts' content.  There were cupcakes for Austin's birthday and a nice dinnertime with Grandma and Grandpa, even if nobody ate much, with the exception of the rice krispy treats, which nobody can say no to.

We definitely plan on driving to the other side of the mountains more often.  Thanks, Taylors!

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