Saturday, January 24, 2015

20 Things I Love About Ruby

She shares my love of travel
She is funny
She plays my favorite instrument, classical guitar.  She has perfect pitch, too.
She always shows up when she says she will
She is a great teacher and loves her students
She is a beautiful, creative dancer.  I love to watch her dance!
She dances through pain
She is smart
She can pick up a violin and play by ear, even though she quit taking lessons years ago
She intuitively knows what people needs
She remembers what people like and thinks of them
She checks airfare daily
She is beautiful.  Her eyes, her hair, everything!
If you look in her eyes, you see an old soul
She has a fun decorating style
She is capable; more so than a lot of grownups!
She takes care of her siblings.  It's in her nature.
She is fun to hang out with
She is thoughtful and shows gratitude
She is funny when she's mad
But don't get her mad AT you.  It's brutal.
She loves fine dining

Mostly, I try to appreciate Ruby each day because I know that someday, sooner than any of us think, she will not be able to resist the temptation any longer.  She will book a flight and she will go.  I just hope she comes back!


Jennie said...

Ohhh! We love this and we love Ruby! We hope she has a fabulous sweet 16 bday weekend.

Jennifer said...

I so get the "old soul eyes." My second child is that way, too. When Emma was just a baby I struggled to articulate the feeling that her spirit was older and more wise than my own.