Monday, January 5, 2015

Christmas Festivities

 It's always great when Sarah and Roland come from Miami.  Park City is their second home.  In fact, they bought property there, and we're all looking forward to seeing what they build.  Sarah is a talented designer with a keen sense of style.  Her homes are stunning.

The Bazails have taken to traveling with their friends Heidi and Pierre, who maybe have even more energy than Sarah and Roland.  Between the two couples, they have 6 kids, so almost as many as we have. :)  We went up to Park City for a late dinner at Chimayo.  Upon walking in, Pierre ordered drinks all around, and later Roland ordered one of everything off the menu and we dined family style.  Each dish was fantastic.  That's a great way to do it if you want to really explore the menu!

We had taken Ruby with us to babysit Alex and Lincoln, and the three of us ended up staying overnight at the Ranch.  We were too tired to make it home!

 Early the next morning, Christmas Eve, Scott and I were both wondering how we still had so many last-minute things to accomplish.  Part of it was that we were leaving for California right after Christmas.  At one point, I pulled into the oil exchange place...right next to Scott.  I also delivered as many neighbor gifts/cards as I could.  My delivery this year was a disaster because I didn't do it at the designated time, which is the day after Thanksgiving.  I was busy hosting that day.  Then, it just got done in fits and spurts, and I did not enjoy having it hanging over my head at all.  Finally, I just posted a pic of our card on Facebook and called it done, with two neighborhood streets left not done.  Next year, I'll stick to the schedule.  It's just easier that way.

1 comment:

The homestead said...

Circe love your holiday update. Looks like you had a great time. It's hard to get back to real life.