Friday, May 29, 2015

Tizzy and Ro

The two most beautiful girls, right?  One is sweet and one is salty.  Rolayne seems to always be watching Tizzy warily, nervous that Tizzy will do something bad.  And she usually does.  Then Ro tattles.  The Tizzy punches her.  Then Ro cries.  Then Tizzy shouts at her.  Then they have an argument about who is a princess MORE.  Yin and Yang, these two.  I love that they have each other, and I pray they both survive the relationship!
This is right after they "did peeps" in the grass.  These two have a strange competition going.  We call it "anything you can poop I can poop better."  They take turns on the potty all day long.  I think it stems from when Coco potty trained them together and used competition as motivation. :)

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