Friday, April 17, 2009


If we can just make it until tomorrow, the sun will come out! I'm not sure if I can do one more day of 37 degrees that "feels like 34," according to the weather people. How do they decide how warm it feels as opposed to how warm it actually is? I think they're wrong. It's 37, but it feels like we've been stuck in Dante's inferno of never-ending misery, but without the benefit of the flames of eternal damnation, for months. We never even had a fake spring to get our hopes up. It's abnormal, really, that my moods are so tied to the weather. I once read a short story by Ray Bradbury that took place on Venus, where it was rainy all the time. The sun came out once every seven years and one student somehow got locked in the school and missed the sunny day. The end. I'm still haunted by the story and angry at Mrs. Alexander for having us read it without warning us of the graphic nature of the plot. This spring, I'm beginning to feel like I'm in a Ray Bradbury story.

I lived in Paris the spring of my 9th grade year (March to June), and it rained a lot. Rain in Paris is romantic and beautiful and fun. Everyone has an umbrella and the city looks like a Maurice Prendergast painting when there's a downpour. The puddles refect 16th century architecture and the grey sky makes the Mansard roofs and cathedral spires look magical. There's always a tiny bookstore or obscure museum or, best of all, a fancy patisserie to duck into if the shower becomes a downpour. I keep telling myself that this spring is just like Paris. (It's my American optimism!) It's not exactly the same, but I do have the stunning mountian views and spring flowers to edify me. Besides, it's much better than the image of Ray Bradbury's Venus story. I bet there are no pastries on Venus.


Jennifer said...

You never cease to amaze me with your beautiful writing. I love how you weave details from your past into the experiences of today.

Amanda said...

Amen, amen, amen! If we have another rainy week like this last one I think I'll go insane - and I'm not pregnant! So you have every right to feel moody!

Anonymous said...

I love your writing. Looks like we have made it through the gloom. Welcome spring!

Jennie said...

I agree! Thanks for letting me see Paris through your eyes. Who knows. Perhaps one day we'll be there together with the girls and you can show us your favorite little bakery.

Lisa and Tate said...

NO pastries in Venus.... not planning on visit there then.

It rained a lot on our trip to Paris last October, it was okay because it was PARIS rain and unbrellas and walking.. very idyllic!

Soon we will be wishing for the rain and snow. Summer gets hot here too!

Michelle said...

Hey, the sun is shining today! Yipppeeee!

laurel said...

I cna't wait to see what you have to say about today. It hit 70 and was glorious. I hope you enjoyed it! Great post! I lived in Paris for a sememster dugin college during study abroad. I loved it too.

love.boxes said...

Oh to be in Paris right now though.. I could use a break and I know you could Circ... Aaaahhh. sigh.