Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pain in the Neck

I love Ruby's calendar. She has been quite nervous about the surgery she had today, as evidenced by her crossing off the days on her dolphin calendar. The only other event she had written was "pick up litter" on Earth Day. Pick up litter and wait for the day you get your neck sliced open. I can see why she has been dreading this day, but Ruby's surgery went very well. Our favorite surgeon, Mike, took out an infectious growth that has been hurting Ruby for months. We so appreciate the personal attention and expertise Mike offered. The growth was right on her facial nerve. One slip of the scalpel and her face would have been contorted for life, but we knew Mike would never let that happen. That peace of mind is priceless when your little girl is under the knife.

We also appreciate Grandma, Coco and Emily for babysitting and Jennie for bringing us a perfect dinner. It seems we have had many days this spring when we were in need of help. As much as I'd rather be on the giving end of favors, it is so comforting to know that we have so much support when it's needed. When it rains, it pours, and it has poured not only actual rain this spring, but seemingly endless medical concerns. We've never experienced this kind of deluge, and I'm hoping for a drought real soon! All said, we are healthy and grateful for it. All this stuff is just growing pains!


The homestead said...

Glad it went well. I hope the next time you see the inside of a hospital is at your delivery.

laurel said...

I am so glad things went well. Good luck to great days ahead.

Michelle said...

I am so glad you posted, I wondered how it went today. I think you have earned one piece of cake delivery come summer.

Queen Elizabeth said...

Glad everything is ok...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad it went well for you Ruby. Here's to a very speedy recovery! I would be glad to tend for you.

Jennie said...

Rubes... I hope you start feeling better soon! We love you.

K Phip said...

Glad everything went well for Ruby! I hear you loud and clear when you say that you have had your fair share of medical downpours. Let me know when the drought comes. We are hopefully right behind you!:)

SSWS said...

Get well soon Ruby! Heard you were a star patient!

Jenny said...

So glad everything went well. We love you Ruby!

Erin said...

How scary! What a relief to have it over--- successfully! Take care cute little Ruby!

love.boxes said...

Hooray for Ruby. I'm so glad it's all good. I had surgery on my face once and worried about the same thing and it was no fun at all. Good thing she had our good friend Dr. Mike. :)