Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Scott's New Career

We haven't told anyone about our plans for next year. We were waiting until Scott got his acceptance letter. SCOTT GOT INTO THE PENNSYLVANIA CULINARY INSTITUTE! We are really excited. This is something he has always wanted to do. He loves to experiment with food. His brothers know he is always taking pictures of his meals in restaurants before he eats them. PCI is one of the best schools in the country. It has Cordon Bleu certification and a high success rate among its graduates.

So...we're moving to Pittsburg as soon as school ends. I know it seems sudden, but Scott has been planning for awhile and applying to different schools. I love Pittsburgh and the surrounding countryside. It's beautiful and so close to so many great cities on the East Coast. I have even been reading books about Amish country, just to get a feel for the area. I know musicians there, so the kids' music lessons are pretty set with their new teachers. The concertmaster of the symphony there used to play here in Salt Lake and is married to a friend of mine. So things are falling into place.

The sad part is telling all our friends and family. It will be so hard to leave all of you, even if it's only a four-year program. Hopefully, we'll be back, but Scott could really get a job anywhere when he graduates. We are planning to sell our house and buy in Pittsburgh. It's a buyer's market, and hopefully we'll get something in a good school district. Exciting! We'll miss all our amazing friends. We'll have to bribe you to come visit us by offering Scott's cooking! I know we should have mentioned it before, but it's such a crazy idea, we wanted to be sure before we said anything. Wish us luck and make plans to visit Pittsburgh!


Rita DeBry said...

Paul and I wish you and your family the very best on your move. We will miss you at all the family parties. If this is important to Scott, then go for it. We love you. Oh, and have a happy April Fool's Day!

Jennifer said...

Please, please, PLEASE say you're fooling us!

Jennie said...

April Fools to you too! :)

Elisa said...

April Fools.

love.boxes said...

Sheesh you had me going there for a minute! Yipes!

Queen Elizabeth said...

Yep, I'm a fool. You totally had me going. Darnit - the East Coast is fabulous :)

Lisa and Tate said...

Oh wow.... This is so exciting! I love that he can follow his dreams. Somehow destiny always have a way of working out... music lessons, friends, BEAUTIFUL PITTsburg. I am sure your lovely house will sell in an instant in this housing market. So glad I work for an airlines cause I am there in sharing the food and fun in Pittsburg.... oh yeah, happy April fools day to you too!

Michelle said...

Lucky for me I talked to Tif this morning or would have fallen for this hook line and sinker! You do realize you aren't allowed to go anywhere!

debbieburningham said...

We totally fell for it. Bailey is wondering how you could ever leave her jobless. Who would she ever babysit for. I was excited for your adventure but even more excited to hear that it is an April Fools joke. We love you. By the way - any names for that baby boy yet?

Lexie said...

I really hope this is an april fools joke!!! sniff sniff!

SSWS said...

I'd suggest the Culinary Academy in SF over the Pennsylvania school...then we'd visit...but who would take my kids to the park, and let them think they have a dog, guinea pig and cats? In fact, who would raise my kids? You better stay here.

Paige said...

great idea, who needs money anyway? Certainly not a family of 8!

laurel said...

I hate when I fall for April Fool's jokes. That was a good one.