Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Super Mom

I got a flier in the mail for a local spa. The title was, "What can relax Mom faster than a speeding bullet?" Jay Leno would love this one! I guess it depends on what the speeding bullet is aimed at and if it hits the mark. Getting hit by a speeding bullet is not the kind of relaxation I'm looking for. Maybe I'm outside this particular demographic? The other thing I find funny is that the flier promotes "relaxing" as something you can do really, really quickly, so you can get back to you crazy life as SuperMom! That's something I can relate to!


Anonymous said...

If only it would work! Hang in there Ruby...hope you start healing soon:)

Michelle said...

So funny! I do not want speed relaxing... Now a day all to myself without interuption that would be a whole different ballgame!