Ever since I was about Freestone's age, I have wanted to see the Harlem Globetrotters. So now that I have two sons to use as an excuse to go, it was time. Scott and I took Freestone and Tolly on a date to Panda and the game. With all the sisters out of the way (Ari hanging out with cousins Cade and Austin, Golda and Ruby taking turns babysitting Xanthe and going to dance classes, Xanthe tricking them into letting her stay up late), it was just the boys. It is so important for kids to have that one-on-one time with adults. Always sharing the attention with other kids gets OLD! Freestone was able to express himself as an individual, oustside the context of his place in the family, and Scott and I got to know him in a different way. He ran and jumped on rocks and generally acted like a boy. Tolly watched and learned! Kids thrive on being the center of attention, and Freestone had a great time. He even got his own bag of cotton candy, all for him! He made the mistake of sharing it with Ptolemy, who went crazy for it and begged for more. Fortunately, Free didn't mind sharing with his favorite brother.
As for the Globetrotters, I was sadly underwhelmed. I had built them up so much in my mind, I don't know what I expected. Their performance was like a junior high assembly skit gone bad. Watching Free and P-Town was far more entertaining that anything happening on the court! Freestone at times was laughing out loud, at nothing in particular, just demonstrating pure, unbridled joy. He just loved sitting there with Mom and Dad, getting all the attention, not having to wait his turn or deal with a whiny four-year-old or big sisters or cell phones or anything else. As dismal as the Globetrotters' alleged entertainment was, it was worth the trouble to see the boys laugh and have fun. You don't have to travel the globe for a reward like that! It's right here.
I know what you mean about being underwhelmed. Ryan and I saw the Trotters when we were dating in HS. I remember thinking, "This is it?" I'm glad you had a fun night out with your boys. They are a handsome crew!
HOw fun!!!
I was wondering if I should go to this show or not. I guess I won't but it was nice of you to take your kids!!
The solution to your Ptolemy swallowing problem. Cotton candy instead of rice cereal. Why didn't we think of this sooner?
How much fun is your family! I wish I could be one of your kids!:)
Love the picture of P-town with the cotton candy!
Bummer, I always thought they looked fun too. Man that Dopp family can really rock a hat!
Looks like so much fun even if the Harlem Globetrotters were underwhelming! Freestone is lucky to have parents who understand the need for boys night out. I read the Color of Water a few years ago and loved it.
We were disappointed in their performance as well!
Is that your baby since I last saw you last year? You were newly pregnant, right? So cute!
Tolly just cracks me up!
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