Sunday, February 21, 2010

Children Are Not Timeless

I was so inspired by this article, I thought I'd share it as we prepare for our family to do sharing time in Primary today.

Yesterday morning as I was driving home from ballet, I saw Scott's car in front of me, driving home from dropping Golda off at her ballet class. A moment later, he called me from his car and said, "This might be the only chance we have to be together alone today, so I thought I'd call." We spent the rest of the drive home talking about the kids' grades. Funny, because "quality time" with Scott used to mean watching an entire NBA game without TiVo, snuggled up in a blanket. Now, just being alone in our cars has to be taken as an opportunity.

It makes me think, none of our relationships are timeless. We have to take every chance we have to strengthen bonds with people we love, and to spend time with them. I remember one time when I was probably ten. My grandfather, Bill, called during Diff'rent Strokes. He wanted to chat about this and that, and I kept my answers brief, annoyed that I was missing my favorite show. I felt guilty, but I could talk to my grandpa anytime, right? That phone call was the first thing I thought of when my grandpa died a year later. I still wish I could pick up the phone and hear his voice one more time.

I'm glad Scott called me from his car yesterday. It did turn out to be one of our only moments "together" yesterday, and it set the stage for peace in a busy day. The day ended with Scott taking the older four kids out for Indian food while I had a read-a-thon with Xanthe and Ptolemy. They called me on the way home to tell me they were bringing me ice cream. Even though my book was really good, and I was almost to the end, I set it down and listened for a minute because the kid on the other end of the line will be mine forever, but his childhood is finite.


Jennie said...

I love those thoughts. I often have to remind myself that this too really shall pass... sometimes too quickly.

Thanks for the reminder. I've read that blog before and I'm glad you redirected me back there. She always has great things to say.

Michelle said...

We all need those reminders. I don't want to be an empty nester who wishes I could have it all back to do again.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for this insight. Your family did a great sharing time, by the way. I think you should foray into singing time next. Permanently.

Anonymous said...

So very true. Time with family is priceless and each stage is limited. Car talk time sounds like a way to have together time amid crazy schedules.