Monday, August 29, 2011

All About Xanthe

Xanthe is a stickler for homework.  She worries about it from the minute it comes home until the minute it goes back to school.  She was pretty wound up and excited about this project, the All About Me poster.  We filled out the question page on the back and then I turned her loose to design the front using a stack of photos.  Her answers are very food-centric.  She loves the beach "because you can take Oreos there."  Daddy is her favorite famous person because he takes her to Panda Express.  She says her favorite food is watermelon.  I reminded her that watermelon was the only food Daddy and I could get her to eat when we were in China.  She thought that was funny.  This morning, after a traumatic systems failure and a re-gluing of several photos, Xanthe proudly carried her poster to school.  With her little braided buns, she said, "I look like a Chinese girl!"  I'm so glad she's in first grade.  She is an adorable school girl and completely ready for all-day school, including...lunch at school!  Hooray!


The homestead said...

She gets cuter every day!

Jennifer said...

So impressive! I remember that poster assignment and the teacher's spiel to parents (at back to school night) that the poster would be used to honor each student around his birthday or half-birthday. Perfect, I thought -- not due until February.

Uh, no. It was due the very next week. I need a Xanthe at home to keep me on track! Is she for hire?

Michelle said...

Love that kid!