Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pizza Stone

All summer, Freestone has had an idea to make his own pizza.  I took him to the store where he picked out pineapple, cheese and a Freschetta crust, all for about twice as much as a ready-made, piping hot David's Pizza would have cost. 

As soon as we got home from the pool, Chef Freestone got to work on the pizza.  He was serious about spreading the sauce, arranging the pineapple and sprinkling the cheese.  I asked him if he was going to put the pineapple on first or the cheese.  He said, "Mom, have you ever HAD pizza?  The toppings go on top of the cheese."  So now he's a pizza expert?  Apparently so!

When the pizza came out of the oven, it was perfect.  Everybody got a slice of pizza and one of the giant chocolate chip cookies Ari made when Freestone wouldn't let her help with the pizza.  We had a rousing discussion about the merits of New York style pizza versus Chicago style pizza.  In all, the best dinner of the summer!  Good job, Free!


Michelle said...

Brittany and I thought this was a very clever title! I sometimes forget my boys like to cook too. And should know how to! Well done Free!

Nate said...

The pizza looked yummy. I lliked your "piano coach" for Xanthe! Amazing how well little girls respond to other girls' coaching.

Queen Elizabeth said...

Ok, girl... You are amazing. I simply don't know how you manage it all AND have another one on the way. Who'd a thunk way back in the DHS days? YOU GO GIRL! I can't wait to read your book (in ALL of your spare time) on your secret to success. Best of luck and Congrats! (Keep us posted... for your sake, I hope you don't get a "let's have one more" and then you get twins... yikes!)

laurel said...

I need him to come to my house! We would love his pizza. He is a chef!!!!

love.boxes said...

Oh! Looks good Free!