Friday, August 12, 2011

Funny PT

"I want more ogurt, Mom.  More ogurt."  Then he says it in a different, funny voice and laughs.  Then he screams because I'm laughing at him instead of serving him more yogurt.  Then he goes through all of his funny faces, which I can never catch on camera because, as a general rule, kids are much cuter right before or right after you take their picture.

PT instructs me on exactly how to get him out of his high chair.  "Bib off, Mom."  And when I get a rag, "Hands.  This one hand.  Other one hand.  Face."  He hands me the cup of yogurt.  "Here, Mom.  Don't want dis.  I go see Daddy, Kay Mom?  Seeya!"  And the most precious thing ever, Ptolemy's grateful voice.  I don't know how he does it, but he has a benevolent tone to his voice every time he says, "Sank you, Mom."

Thank YOU, Ptolemy!  You make life sweet, you little riot!


Nate said...

He is so cute. It's a good thing they have those melt your heart moments every day. Makes the messes worthwhile! Sorry we missed you and hope you are doing better:)

Michelle said...

I can't imagine the new baby being any more fun than this one! Thanks for getting him to entertain us!

laurel said...

He is so cute. We pronounced ogurt the same way around here for years!

Love his cute smile.