Saturday, August 27, 2011

I had a date night with Araceli Friday that included listening to her cello play-in, (cello ensemble) then eating cream puffs, followed by picking up the older girls from a Brazilian carnival.  We even got to enjoy some shish-kabobs and some dancing.  Who knew this kind of revelry was taking place in our sleepy little town?  A random assortment of activities, but we had a good time.  Ari was ready to cut loose, 4th grade style with her Lemon-Lime Shasta, after working so hard on her binder full of cello ensemble music for the last few weeks.

Ari is going to be a dynamic and mature fourth grader.  Lately, she has developed the knack for being prepared wherever she goes.  At the pool, I look over at her and she is reclining in a lounge chair, reading a book with her sunglasses on, sipping a drink she fixed from water and lemonade mix and eating a snack she packed for herself.  It cracks me up.  Sometimes she overpacks, but most of the time, I marvel when she pulls out a diaper and some wipes or a snack for Xanthe or a little pouch of hair supplies.  I even noticed the other day that her usually hairy legs were smooth and bare.  She casually informed me, "Mom, I've been shaving for, like, a month.  Some of those hairs were seriously an inch long!"  This girl takes matters into her own hands, no doubt about it.  It's a strength that will serve her well the older she gets, so I think I'll let her run with it.  Besides, you never know when she's going to whip something out of her bag that I might need.  Love ya, Ari!


Michelle said...

Such cute kids! Everyone should have an Ari! Think of the pickles she could get us out of!

laurel said...

How much fun! What a great girl Ari is! SHe has a great mom too.

Shane and Kenzie said...

Ari reminds me SO much of myself! My family always called me the "just-incase" person because no matter where we'd go, I always had anything and everything anyone would possibly need. One time my mom and sister had forgotten PJs for a weekend in St. George...but no fear - I had packed 4 pair. ;)