Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bucket List

Have you ever wanted to experience "the BEST day ever?"  Well, I didn't know this, but all it takes is a bucket and a hose.  Now if the kids can just maintain their enthusiasm for sitting in a bucket of water for another couple of hours, I can get rid of the rest of our stuff.  Yes, it's another (probably ill-advised) purging of household junk.  Put anything on KSL for free and it can be gone within minutes.  If you want anything, you'd better get over here and take it.  Everything must go.  I can't stand the clutter any more!

Just don't take the kids or the buckets or the hose.


Shane and Kenzie said...

Oh I just LOVE de cluttering! It's so peaceful :) I'd bet you guys have some pretty awesome stuff to give away! I need to come over!

love.boxes said...

I want to learn how to de-clutter via KSL. That sounds awesome. I'll say free to the first person to my house and make it a race.. 2nd place winner get a good book or magazine article :)