Monday, September 5, 2011


I love the drive up Emigration Canyon over to Parley's.
Floating in the hot tub at the Ranch
The zoo on the way up to PC
Ptolemy didn't care that he had to stay home.  He could hear the ocean!

The littles and I had a little Park City adventure to celebrate the official end of summer.  At Freestone's request, we went on a hike.  There are many beautiful places to hike around Jordanelle and Deer Valley.  We managed to avoid all those places, ending up in a dry, weedy area that looked like a former dumping ground for home builders.  The kids loved the big piles of discarded slate and rock.  Scrambling to the top of a three-foot high pile, Ari shouted, "You can see EVERYTHING from up here!"  Hey, if all it takes for a little perspective is a three-foot ascent, I'd say it's worth it. I got my perspective by taking three cute kids to the zoo, lounging by the pool, reading and watching the kids delight in piles of rocks.  When we got home Sunday, Scott took Golda and Ruby up to the Ranch for their turn to do nothing while the little kids and I stayed home and...did nothing.  We all relaxed and charged our batteries separately, then met on Labor Day at Oakridge for the last day of the pool, complete with the long-awaited treats from the snack bar.  Ptolemy started out the summer as a little thing, tentative in the water.  Now he owns the baby pool, racing around it, getting up if he loses his footing and helping himself to toys in the lost and found.  I hate to see all of that cuteness end, but you know what they say about "all good things."  It's time...


Michelle said...

Looks like fun! Ba-bye Summer!

Jennie said...

I'm glad you guys had a fun weekend. We sure missed you though. I ate enough smores to double my gym time tomorrow. :)