Friday, September 23, 2011


Today, Ptolemy can't put any weight on his left leg because his mom wasn't watching him and he fell off the playground. And the doctor is in surgery.

Today, we're getting a new toilet instead of the bigger guitar Ruby needs.  And the floor around the old toilet is damaged.  Total saved for new guitar:  back to zero.

Today, the jr. high sent me an email that said one of my children was getting a D or below.  They let me freak out for awhile before sending an email that said, "Oops.  Just kidding."

Today, the elementary school sent home 75 bucks worth of Happenings books with my kids.  I can either pay for them or put "take Happenings books back to the school" on my to-do list.

Today is a chocolate chip cookie day.  And even though I only had one egg and no brown sugar, the cookies are still perfect.  Which leads me to believe that life is good and that tomorrow will be better.  Hey, even today is already better.


Taylor Family said...

Poor PT don't you love days like that. I am sure cookies or cookie dough can cure a crummy day.

laurel said...

I think chocolate chip cookies make everything better. If I don't have any, a spoonful of peanut butter will do the trick. I hope your baby's leg is okay.

Michelle said...

You know baking is always my answer to life's problems! Hope Tolly feels better!

The homestead said...

We need new toilets, but we just keep putting it off. Sorry you're getting a new toilet and not a new guitar.

Jennie said...

I'm glad PT is doing okay. The cookies were yummy! Thanks for sharing!

sws said...

love the comment about "happenings books." amen. I'm with you on today...let's move on to tomorrow. ss

Nate said...

The cookies look great...and they are a good remedy for most days like that. Hope Tolly's leg isn't broken.