Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shark Girl

This is what's next.  Our daughter is a shark.  Her permanently not-loose baby teeth were secretly harboring a permanent tooth behind them!  With another permanent tooth about to grow in, Xanthe had two rows of teeth on the bottom.  Dr. Morgan, dentist extraordinaire, pulled out the baby teeth, which weren't loose at all and still had long, healthy roots.  I didn't go back to the exam room to watch because moms' presence tends to make kids act like babies.  I just told Dr. Morgan that Xanthe is brave and to give her lots of nitrous oxide to make her forget, so we don't have to go through post traumatic stress like we do with eye exams.  The whole operation was worth it for the laughs we got afterward when Xanthe kept talking with her mouth full of cotton.  Watching her was better than laughing gas!  It was so funny, I had to take her to Scott's office so she could entertain Daddy and Bill with her stories.  I think she was pretty high.  When I took her back to school later, she was scared.  She said, "Mom, I don't even speak French!" 

Having two gaping holes in her mouth hasn't stopped Xanthe from eating, as evidenced by the fact that the holes are now filled with chocolate cake.  I don't think that's what the dentist recommends, but it got her to stop talking for a few minutes.  That can't be bad for healing her mouth, right?

When Xanthe went to bed, she was anticipating a visit from the Tooth Fairy and said, "I'm so afraid!"  She wasn't afraid of getting two teeth pulled out by the roots, but she was afraid of walking into her classroom later that day and then afraid of the Tooth Fairy.  The Tooth Fairy is cute and she brings you money!  What's to be afraid of?  When I went in Xanthe's room hours later to "check" to see if the Tooth Fairy came, she bolted out of bed and said, "Did she come?  Is there anything under my pillow?"  I quickly slid my hand under the pillow and discovered the money!  Phew!  The Tooth Fairy came and she didn't trash Xanthe's room or take her teeth or beat her up.  I think X slept better after knowing that the Tooth Fairy had come and gone.  I can sleep better too, knowing those tenacious baby teeth are out of the way.  I hope the rest of them choose to abandon ship on their own.  Shark Girl was cute once, but not every time!


Taylor Family said...

What are the odds that Xanthe gets two sets of teeth and Cade dosen't get any. Can we have your left over teeth.

Jennie said...

So cute. She came running up to my car yesterday to show me her mouth. I thought she was showing Izzy her loose tooth. I didn't know she had already gone through the whole ordeal.

Jennifer said...

"The tooth fairy is cute and brings you money. What's to be afraid of?" Well, if you're in my house, the very real possibility that she will forget you. AGAIN.

Michelle said...

When you posted last time you and Scott were discussing what was next I wonder if you saw this one coming? Man, you just never know whta this parenting gig will throw at you next!

laurel said...

She is so cute! But, man I don't envy her. I hate the dentist.

Catherine said...

What a brave little girl! Heh...gotta love the after effects of laughing gas! What a fun video to keep.

So glad mommy was able to help her anxiety and check to see that the tooth fairy had already been there. Sweet dreams Xanthe!

Kristi said...

Lily is a vampire, if that makes you feel any better. Her canines are frightening at best.

Cute Xanthe. I was always sketchy at the tooth fairy gig.

Brittany said...

I just had to go to the dentist to get one of my big, fat molars pulled because it wouldn't come out and it hurt. Tell X she's not alone.