Friday, September 2, 2011

Only Child

I took my baby boy to the zoo yesterday.  It was fun having an only child;  I've never really had one before, but with all the kids in school all day, Tolly gets to be my one and only from nine to three.  The zoo was a perfect morning as we lazily strolled around in perfect temperatures.  I just followed PT around watching him discover little things and point at big things, like the tiger eating his lunch.  After we watched the tiger, my boy thought all the animals were tigers.  He was hanging out watching the turkeys when another two-year-old came up, pointed to them and said, "Monkey!"  Tolly looked at her and knowledgeably said, "Tigers."  I love this age!  All the way home in the car, Ptolemy shouted, "Armadillo!  Armadillo!  Armadillo, OK MOM?!?"  He liked the armadillo as much as the tigers...I mean turkeys.


Kristi said...

Your blog is always a favorite to play catch-up on. You've had a busy, fun summer! What a great vacation - lucky you! Well deserved, so glad you enjoyed it. Your cute school kids make me smile, and I am ever amazed at how you balance all you do. Hope you are feeling better and energized with the little touch of fall in the air. Oh, and Tolly at the zoo - so cute! What a joy he is.

Michelle said...

Oh, what a fun mom! And what a fun day! Lucky Tolly, and lucky you!

love.boxes said...

So cute. It is fun to have an only sometimes.. :)