Tuesday, September 20, 2011

And the Winner Is...

 Number 12!  Which turns out to be Brittany, chosen at random by Ptolemy in a dart-free way.  No animals, including Ptolemy, were harmed in the choosing of the winner.  I loved everyone's comments, and I am thankful for your kind words.  Every time I got a comment, from Catherine's to Valerie's, I would think, "Oh, this one has to win."  Then I'd think the same thing about the next one.  It's nice to know I have friends out there, or at least people who like to laugh at me!  Some of the favorites, like Husband's Guide to Pregnancy and Are You My Mother, are on the side bar, but a few that aren't...

I was surprised at how many people remembered The Blue Cupcake Episode, or as Brittany called it, "How the Cupcake Learned About Traffic."  Looking back, that was pretty funny, but I titled it "Low Point" because I felt like a really bad mom.  But it got worse.  Laurel liked And Speaking of Clowns, in which I became a possibly bad mom with definitely bad hair.

On a more serious note, Jennifer remembered Death of a Salesman, a sad one, and Haiku, one of my faves.  I appreciated my cousin Kris letting me know that some of my thoughts about Ari had helped her. To get back to the more humorous side of life, there's Real Life Survivor, which I recently added to my violin shop blog.  My mom liked my Roman love story, and I like it too.  Of course, it's only a tiny part of the whole saga.

I'm glad Mark and Marla and Kristi mentioned Oh, Rats!, where I accidentally left Xanthe at the dentist, because it was pretty funny, even at the time.  Others that struck a funny bone were the one where Scott had to buy me a new wardrobe and the one where we demonstrated our shocking lack of home improvement skills.  And speaking of Scott, an "Anonymous" commenter mentioned how he liked all the posts about my cool husband.  Hmmm...I wonder who that was?  I checked, and there are a lot of posts about my cool husband.  And he is pretty cool.  When I searched "Mall, Scott," a dozen posts came up.  Is anyone surprised?  He helps with homework, he is good at his profession, he's a great dad, And he does have superpowers.

My favorite story of all time, which I have to bring back for one more curtain call, is The Car Wash Cure.  It still makes me laugh out loud every time I think about it.  And in the end, isn't that what we need more than anything, to be able to laugh out loud for a moment?  Even better than laughing is laughing with someone else.  Thanks for laughing with me.

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