Thursday, September 15, 2011

One Thousand Giveaway

Hey, I just noticed that this is my one thousandth post!  That's cool if you like round numbers.  I feel like I should do something fun to commemorate having so much to say.  Since it's all about ME and MY thousand posts, how about if you leave a comment and tell me if there was a post of mine that was your favorite.  If you've never commented, now is your big chance, because I'll choose a winner and send you a prize, but only if I get more than 20 comments.  It's a good prize!!  Come out of the lurker closet!  You might be rewarded.  Maybe I'll have my panel of jr. high judges choose a winner.  Maybe I'll have Ptolemy throw a dart at the winning name.  That sound dangerous, doesn't it?  Oooh, elements of mystery and danger.  How could you not participate?


Catherine said...

My favourite post is one you put up not that long ago...Heads Up! Seven Up!!!

So, so happy and excited for you and ready to welcome your sweet little one! Congratulations friend!

Jennie said...

This is simply unfair. How are we supposed to pick a favorite? I can't even tell you how many times I've heard the question, "Have you read Circe's blog today?" All of us are addicted. In fact, mom said it just today when I spoke to her. She lol'd for about an hour after reading your school supply post. So... no, I can't pick just one. I love them all. I can't wait to read your novel one day. Writing is your thing. ps - I hope I'm not disqualified from the contest because I couldn't pick just one. :) Oh, and I tend to leave long comments, so maybe that counts as two votes. :) :)

Shane and Kenzie said...

Husband's guide to pregnancy...I STILL find myself laughing about that one! Honestly though, it's fun reading your blog no matter what you write about. You are simply just an amazing person!

Queen Elizabeth said...

I love your post about the horrible first day/week of school. You're so real and I Loooooooove that!

Mark said...

Mark and I still laugh over your post about forgeting Xanthe dressed as a rat in a ballet tutu at the dentist office. And then calling the dentist and saying you would come get her after you picked up a cello and took someone to a lesson. (I probably got the details wrong) There were so many add laughter to our day!! Thank you so much.

Taylor Family said...

I don't have a favorite post but I am still worried about Xanthe having to take her apple to school and not eating it. I was so sad when I read that post.

sws said...

1000 is so impressive! And there are so many good things to choose from...I have snippets of Tolly drinking "coke" and a smile - or Tiger mom reviews - but one that still cracks me up is the vision of you and Scott wrapping the blanket around the water heater. That was a good one! Thanks for blogging and including all of us in your "party" of eight!

Jennifer said...

I'm with Jennie -- how to choose?! I love Harold the bug, old/new rules for the van, real-life Survivor, when you spoke about your homeless musician friend, doubting your encounter with the lady disciplining her child while you bought produce, Willie Loman, and the one about distilling dew drops.

You have an undeniable talent -- in your writing, for sure, but mostly in the perspective that frames your words.

Make sure it's a Nerf dart, would ya?

Anonymous said...

I like all the ones about your cool husband.

Ernstfamilyfun said...

My favorite post is the Cupcake one- where your kids were fighting in the car and so you stopped the car, got out and threw a cupcake into oncoming traffic in a "Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction outfit." My sisters and I still laugh about it.

Anonymous said...

I agree, choosing my favorite post is like asking me to choose my favorite child. Your writing is so entertaining and thought provoking, that is why your blog is my little addiction I can't live without. I do recall laughing extremely hard at "So you think you can dance" it hit too close to home. Also, when Scott got the big screen and more recently when you described "morning sickness". It made me rethink ever wanting to have babies again.
Congrats on 1,000. That is quite an accomplishment, especially for a mom of 4+1+1+1.
Julie C.

Brittany said...

I think my favorites are the two menagerie posts, Harold, Giving he bird the bird, and how the cupcake learned about traffic. Bu its really hard to pick. Oh, and Husband's guide to pregnancy and Tolly's getting nuttin for christmas

C and MC said...

The BEST post has to be when you replayed a dialogue yelling/swearing at Scott because you didn't have anything to wear (or something) so he went to the mall and bought you some new stuff. Just the image of you swearing/yelling at Scott at my cracking up and the dreams of what my life would be like if my husband had any CLUE what to get me at the mall or the thoughtfulness to do it.

Lisa and Tate said...

I love your writing and take on life it would be too hard to pick.


Christina said...

My favorite post in the last couple of months has been "What's your problem? " :)

Amber said...

That's awesome-- your posts always make me smile-- thanks for being so funny and uplifting at the same time! I like them all- can't decide on a favorite. Keep it up!

Michelle said...

I love the one about the old van, and the old about the rules for reading. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I really liked the blog where you wrote a fill-in-the-blank church talk. We have to have a sense of humor about ourselves sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I love reading about when you went to France to study with your mom, and later went back with the small orchestra group to perform around Europe, and when you went to music camp in Rome and came home early to see Scott, and all the travel experiences you've had with and without family. You've really been blessed to have such wonderful parents! :) Love, Mom (hee hee)

Ruby Dopp said...

My favorite post was "Ptolemy's gettin' nuttin for Christmas". We really get a kick out of PT don't we? I don't know if anyone else thinks he is the cutest person alive, but he is so adorable. I can't imagine anyone getting tired of what he does... but there might be some jealouy going on with other babies.

We should have a "Minute To Win It" with tolly and Camden some time! It would probably be a tie.:)

I am not being rude to other babies. Really I think any baby is adorable, it's just that Ptolemy is living in my house.

Unknown said...

You need one more comment to make it over 20. You got it. My favorite was the quote (probably years ago) about marching to the beat of your own drummer. And several others that have helped me figure out my 6 year old with Aspergers, Out of Sync, Own drummer kind of boy.

Nate said...

My favorite is "Are You My Mother" because of the obvious connection for us! We still love to read your blog. Good luck with the potty training outsourcing. I heard the Montessori schools will potty train for you. Sounds like a great option!

Kristi said...

I love everything you post. Really, I do. Very favorites include some that have already been mentioned: old van, new van, johnny appleseed day, xanthe at the dentist office, pregnancy guidelines,etc, etc. I know I'm going to leave here having smiled, laughed or loud, or sometimes even teared up. You have a gift for writing. You are funny, insightful, and inspiring. Thanks for that. :)

Marilyn said...

Blue cupcake into uncoming traffic--I love this one, because I could see myself doing the same thing--complete with forgetting to close up shop after nursing! I really enjoy your perspective on life and your entertaining writing skills.

laurel said...

You are coing to make me choose? Every post is my fav! I will go ahead and name a couple... One "And speaking of Clowns" and I like one, but I can't remember the name where you were upset and you threw something out of the car I think it had blue frosting? Also I loved the husband's guide to pregnancy.

They are all great!

Unknown said...

Potty training is a nightmare. I have a 3 year old that just refuses to potty train. Then I have one that turns 2 in December. How am I going to do that. I know I will just read your blog, smile and say ahhhhh I'm not the only out ther.

As far as my favorite post.... well it's every one that I read. Each day I wake up and the first thing I do after getting my cherry coke is sit down and read your blog. Some people do coffee and the paper, me I just have to read your blogs. On the days that you take a break and not post I actually feel like my day doesn't start, that every moment is just a bit off. Then I go back to your blog read some old ones and feel almost like new. So for me it's ALL of them.