Sunday, November 6, 2011

Extra Hour

Daylight Savings!  I love it in the fall, hate it in the spring.  When I lived in Indiana, I always felt a little smug when everyone else altered their clocks and we Hoosiers just kept doing what we were doing.  We don't need Daylight Savings!  But as long as we don't have a choice, I always like to use my extra hour purposefully.  Technically, I used the extra 2:00 AM hour to sleep, but I'm not counting that.  I think I'll use my hour to go for a Sunday drive with Scott, talk about all the things we never have time to discuss and secretly admire how handsome he is.  Unless Scott uses his extra hour to watch football, in which case I'll have to use mine to read Saving CeeCee Honeycutt, which I am thoroughly enjoying.  In fact, I may have already spent an extra hour staying up late to read.

The way the extra hour works, Scott could use his to watch football after I use mine to go with him on a Sunday drive.  Then, since Ptolemy doesn't need his extra hour, I could use it to write my Christmas card letter.  I could really get into this extra hour thing.  What are you going to do with yours??  Whatever you do, make that hour work for you!


laurel said...

I love the extra hour too. Because our alarm clock flipped to DST on Friday too, I towo extra hours!

I read Saving Cee Honeycutt.....LOVED THAT BOOK! It was sooooooo good.

Kristi said...

LOVE the extra hours, and your ideas for using yours made me smile. Christmas letter? You are so on the ball.

Jennie said...

I'm glad you guys were able to come out and spend part of your extra time with us at Grandma's house.

I hear ya on the pumpkin thing. I can't decide if it is fun or not either. :)

The homestead said...

We loved not having daylight savings in Indiana until it was the middle of summer and the sun was up at 4:30am and the kids wanted to up also. As we were going to bed last night at 11:30, it was so nice to think "it's only 10:30".