Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Take Two

 Saturday we had an encore of Thanksgiving dinner, this time at Grandma and Grandpa's.  Everything was perfect.  Thanks, Bruce and Marlene.  We love your home at the holidays.  

 Lots of arm wrestling going on.

 On the way home we drove through Layton Park to see the lights.  Ptolemy got out of his carseat to look out the window.  He loved all the colors and quizzed everyone on them.  "What color are THOSE lights, Mom?"  Then (if I got the right answer) he would say, "That's right, Mom!"
And here is one of the best parts of Thanksgiving:  the leftovers.  Don't those turkey and whipped cream sandwiches look good?  They have to have lots of coarse salt and fresh ground black pepper to make them perfect.  The kids loved the chow mein at both Thanksgiving dinners.  It's what they wanted most for leftovers.  We'll have to get more next time!  We had an extra long weekend, with the kids out of school for 5 days.  Despite some cabin fever on my part, we appreciated the rest.  Now it's back into the fire for an intense few weeks leading up to Christmas.  If I had to choose, I would choose the crazier parts of life, but I'll take the restful parts, too.  Those hours of holiday reflection can be restorative.  As long as you don't have a two-year-old quizzing you on your colors.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You guys really know how to party!