Monday, November 14, 2011

Other Things Nobody Heard Me Say

If the vacuum smells like it's burning, turn it off.

If you set that glass on the edge of the counter, it could fall and break.

I want everybody's room clean when I get back.

Lean over your plate so you don't get spaghetti sauce on your church clothes.

Close the door!

Don't forget to flush.

But that's OK.  Don't tell the kids, but I'm not listening to them either.  I already know how light bulbs work, I don't care about the kid in your class who went to Disneyland and I've seen Barbie Rapunzel, so the scene-by-scene recap is not registering at all.  I'm busy thinking about why you're not putting your backpack away like I told you to do six times!

Communication gap?  Yeah, but I know something everybody hears:  Who wants ice cream!?