Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Lot of Gall

I feel like I haven't been blogging lately.  I didn't finish posting about the trip and I have no creative thoughts in my head whatsoever.  All my energy lately has gone to figuring out what's wrong with me.  I got sick our last night in France, which was good timing except that I never got better.  In the Dallas airport, I sent the girls to dinner at T.G.I. Friday's by themselves while I watched the luggage, thinking that I had a 24 hour flu.

24 hours turned into two weeks, and I had major problems and no energy.  From what doctors can guess, it's my gall bladder's fault.  The poor little thing was overworked.  Looking back, I had this same problem last time I was pregnant, I just didn't realize what it was.  No wonder things got out of hand in France.  My diet was solely composed of pastries, gelato and things made of delicious fat, like gyros with french fries in them and ham, egg and cheese crepes.  The French are not stingy with their cheese, either!

Now I'm on a low-fat diet, which makes me feel a lot better, but is sad, since butter is one of my best friends.  Now I have a tub of something called "A Change for the Butter," a fridge full of salad greens, beets and salsa and a giant container of filtered water.  For some reason, one website I read said tap water could aggravate symptoms, so Coco brought us the water.  Freestone monitors my water intake, of all things.  He came home from school and said, "Oh, I hope there's no miscarriage.  Are you eating all the right things, Mom?  No tap water?"  He's so sweet.

I think Scott used fear to get the house clean last Saturday while I was teaching, telling the kids that we had to protect the baby by helping me rest.  The house sure was spotless when I got home!  So there are advantages to being a little sick.  And I do feel good about the new diet plan.  I thought I was a healthy eater before, but now I have to think about each bite and whether it's going to make me suffer.  Pain is a great motivator for a healthy lifestyle.

So I'm completely fine and more realistic about my limitations.  It's amazing what a lot of effort it takes to gestate a baby, and what it does to your body.  Even so, I love it.  I'll be driving down the road and think, "I have a little person here with me, and I'm so glad she's here."  And I'm not talking about the little person in the backseat calling out, "I go to Daddy's office!  Get candy!  Wet's go see Daddy!  Get me out of my carseat!  Push the red button, Mom!  Get me out of here!"  That's a whole other cause for fatigue!


Jennie said...

Oh shoot. I'm so sorry you are not feeling that hot. No one can tell though. You put on a great face for everyone. I hope the symptoms die down. We'll try to think of some non sugary treats to share with you guys in order to get through nutcracker week. :)

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry you've been sick. I've been down that pregnancy/gall bladder road, and it's not fun. Glad you're responding to the modified diet. Take care!

C and MC said...

The pain motivation is so true. My mom had gallbladder pain a few years ago and that stopped her from eating fatty things at night! Sometimes it just feels good to eat straight veggies.

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Sorry! Hope you feel better- pregnancy does crazy things to your body! I always feel like shouting "Halleluiah!" the second that baby is out! (plus than you get a beautiful baby to love and snuggle)

Amber said...

Salad and beets are my friends too-- I just feel better. I think your blog is great. It's making me try to remember and record the funny things my kids say and do, because it is constant-- isn't it?!

Take care-- I'm sure you're doing great!

laurel said...

I am so sorry. That is the worst!

I hope things calm down and you start feeling better soon. And, we better get a Christmas card

Nortorious said...

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Life suck when all you want to do is lay on the couch.

Michelle said...

Moms of 6.5 shouldn't be allowed to get sick. I just saw all your posts I need to catch up on. So exciting! You are an awesome momma. My little girl was so star struck when she saw Golda and Ruby trick or treating. What amazing girls and dance teachers you have.