Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fall Into Winter

Now that it's winter, I guess I'll post my pumpkin carving pictures so we can remember the glorious autumn that we enjoyed so fully...until the snow came and broke all the branches and drowned all the beautiful leaves.  I'm going to miss those plump little pumpkins in the flowerbed.  I'm going to miss the flowerbed! 

 Xanthe trying to eat a cookie and carve a pumpkin at the same time.
 Tolly, stuck with the ice cream scoop instead of a cool, sharp knife.

 Golda, too tired for pumpkin carving.  Ruby and Golda had to do an ungodly amount of make-up work when we got back from the trip, and they had to do it all in one week, since it was the end of the term.  Kids, stay in school!  And if you do leave school, don't ever go back.  The make-up work will kill you.
 Ruby was just glad to have first term behind her.  She looks a little shell-shocked, doesn't she?
 Proud pumpkin boy

 Coco and Bill brought everyone jammies from a cute store in Paris.  How adorable are these kids in their matching velour?  I love these little guys!  (OK, I do admit that this picture was taken very soon after Scott and I had a conversation about whether family time is fun or not.:)  The pumpkins got us down for a minute!)

The kids do look ready for a snowy night in these warm jammies.  And I did start setting up Christmas trees in the kids' rooms.  Maybe I am ready for winter.  Fire up the scented candles and deck the halls!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

The pajamas are so fun! What a cute picture of your littles. Poor, poor Golda. I can only imagine the make-up work after a week! Your stay in school comment made me laugh out loud. Oh, and Freestones face in the carving pic. That is pricless.