Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy 96th Birthday!

Happy 96th birthday to Nana Ruby!  I love it when the DeBrys get together.  Especially when...
 Lemon Dessert by Marla is involved!  Fluffy, creamy goodness, and one of my favorite memories of childhood.
 Everyone was invited to write a card to Nana.  Julia took it a step further and brought a whole table full of scrapbooking supplies.  The kids were entertained for hours and Nana loved their creations.
 Ptolemy had fun playing with SuperAbe and Anson...and anyone else who wanted to inspect bugs and dig in gravel.
 Golda and Aunt Da
 Uncle Jim, Uncle Mark and Nana Ruby
 Jim, Mark, Mary and Ruby
 Beautiful picture of Julia and Nana.  Julia planned the whole party and did all the work, from inviting and organizing to cleaning up my kitchen.  She is amazing!

 Ashlyn and Adaline, cute cousins
 More cute cousins, Ruby, Golda and Jessie
 Ashlyn, Ari, Esmae and Xanthe, some of our little artists.
 Ptolemy, Anson and Abe examining something; not sure I want to know what.
 Isaac, Aiden and Freestone
 Rolayne, Emily and Josh
 Dot and Mary
 More cute cousins?  Jon, Trajan and Spencer
 The Rubies

 Laura and Julie

 Jacob, Aiden, Freestone and Isaac
 Kylee and Savannah
 Elle and Bridie
 Julia, Ashlyn and Elle
 Ben, Athena and Nayeli
 Lawson and Elle
 McKenzie, Dot, Samantha and Mary
 Jon, Nayeli, Allison and Samantha
 Aren't they cute together?
 Frank and Da
 Sisters Allison and Samantha with the birthday girl
 Warming up for the big photo
 Some of the people who refused to be in the big photo.  I'm sorry, you have all been voted off the island.
 Just kidding.  You can all stay on the island.

  Some of Jim's family:  Jessie, Frank, Danny, Nana, Jim and Da

 Not sure who these people are.
 Jason, Karen and Scott

 Dot and Rita
Terry, Lawson, Danny, Gordon, Felshaw and Scott.  
See you all at Christmas!


The homestead said...

Circe, you are the best! Thank you so much for making things happen! It was a wonderful birthday party for Nana.

Marilyn said...

Hi Circe,
David here. Thank you so much for the pictures. So sorry we missed out. It is so hard to be away from family so we appreciate the reports.
TN DeBrys

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Thanks for posting pictures! It is nice to not completely miss out:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nana!...enjoyed the pictures Circe.