Friday, September 14, 2012

How to Tell If You're Capable of Being on a Band Committee

If someone asks you to be on a band committee, there are some simple tests you can take to determine whether you're capable.  Before you say, "Yes!  I love my children and want to support them in this cause, SURE I'll dedicate dozens of hours to this project," take these simple tests.

Test #1:  Get a 20-gallon tank, no lid, and fill it with snakes.  Carry the tank with you wherever you go...driving, sleeping, violin lessons... and don't let any of the snakes slither out.  Do this for 8 weeks and you pass the test!  You can multi-task.  You have the ability to keep toddlers and infants out of danger while you talk to/email/text/visit possible band sponsors and cook dinner/order pizza.  You have the time and energy to be on a band committee!

Test #2:  Fill an 8 oz. glass to the brim with water.  Fill another 8 oz. glass to the brim with Kool-Aid.  Pour the glass of Kool-Aid into the glass of water without spilling any.  You pass the test!  You can squeeze 20 hours of work into ten hours!  You are ready to be on a band committee.

Test #3:  This is a fun one.  Go to Lagoon and get on Wicked.  When the ride gets to the pinnacle, jump off and ride Colossus.  Get back on Wicked by the time it stops.  If you can do this, congratulations!  You have the super power of being in two places at once.  You should be able to juggle a household, kids' schedules and homework, a job and a band committee.

Test #4:  Imagine a profession that you have no qualifications for.  For example, open a karate studio.  You might accidentally knock a few kids out with your fake moves, but if you can fool enough people into thinking you're legit, you are ready to be on a band committee.  On a committee, you will be asked to do things you can't do, so if you can do things you can't do, you're set.  If you even understood that sentence, you should be on a band committee.  In preparation, you might want to practice in the mirror saying, "Sure.  I know how to do that."  Ask yourself questions like, "Are you friends with Angelina Jolie?"  If you can answer, "Yes.  I think we can get her to perform at our event," you are ready to be on a band committee.

If these tests sound difficult, you should have a speech ready along the lines of, "Thanks for asking me to be on a band committee.  I would love to, but I don't have time."  It is possible to say no, but I will warn you:  If you say no, you will miss out on new friendships, new skills, new experiences and the opportunity to be a small part of something big.  Something that says to your children that you love what they're doing, you're proud of them, and you will, indeed, attempt to jump off Wicked to ride Colossus if it means being part of their world.


Jennie said...

We're hoping to make it on Saturday. It sounds like a lot of fun (and a lot of work for all of you). Good luck! We hope it is really successful!

Kristi said...

Too funny! Turns out you were a perfect fit. You do the impossible every day. :)

Nate said...

How you fit band committee into your schedule is a mystery. You are amazing as always. Good luck to band and committee.

Jennifer said...

HILARIOUS!!! Hope Saturday is a successful day,

Can't wait for Angelina's guest post.

Shane and Kenzie said...

You already do so many of those things with perfection! You are amazing :)