Thursday, September 4, 2008

Another First

Amid all the dance classes, homework and practicing, it would be easy to overlook the two spunky little pigtails bobbing along on their way to preschool. Spicy little Xanthe has been looking forward to her moment in the sun, and today was finally the day she went to Teacher Jen's school for her first class. All the way there, she kept saying, "I have fun at preschool. You not be there!" She wanted to make sure I knew I was NOT invited.

As it turned out, we made quite an ignominious first impression when Xanthe literally walked in, looked around and promptly peed on the rug like a dog marking its territory. Great. It's always fun to start out with a heavy dose of mom embarrassment. So Teacher Jen spent the first five minutes of the new school year looking for paper towels and extra underwear. I bet she loves us already.

I managed to pick Xanthe up right on time at the end, with my fingers crossed that nothing had gone wrong after I dropped my soggy little girl off and bolted this morning. When Xanthe got in the car, she announced, "I hab fun at school. I'd like a sammich and chicken nuggets and fwench fwies and kahkat milk." We went to Wendy's to celebrate the christening of the preschool rug and all the wonderful, dry moments that followed our initial impression.

Later, Xanthe had her very own friend over. She talked Nancy's ear off while Nancy's mom and I made what I hope turns out to be a delicious stew. (Thanks, Winifred!) For now, the house smells savory, my baby is asleep and soon the front door will crash down with the rush of all the others, home from their school day. I'm ready. I forgot how exhausting it is to have just one!


Lisa and Tate said...

What a great story Xanthe has to share about her first day at pre-school... She just might become infamous at her pre-school. So glad she had the confidence to stay it alone and have a fantastic time.

Taylor Family said...

That is so funny. I am glad Xanthe had a story like that. Last week we went to The Cheesecake Factory and Cade did the same thing.

Anonymous said...

That is really funny. What a way for Xanthe to initiate her preschool teacher:) I love her hair..Hope she likes preschool.

Michelle said...

Poor Xanthe's mommy! I have to tell you my sister told me today she had read this yesterday and it made her laugh too. I think she reads your blog more than mine but she is s lurker!

Erin said...

Libby is right there with you, Xanthe! Here's to a few dry days...