Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A First for Everything

First fall stew.
First holiday project.
First autumn storm. Yes, they got out parkas, gloves, boots and hats for ten minutes of hail. What are ya going to do, let that first hailstorm pass by without celebrating?? Notice Xanthe's sun hat and Freestone's swimsuit. It was a sudden change!
Trying out new hairstyles with Aunt Jenny for the first day of preschool.
This crisp, colorful weather is much more of an awakening than spring for me.
Here's to firsts.


Michelle said...

Your kids crack me up! I need to see a pic of the finished X! It kills me she is starting preschool!

Taylor Family said...

Please tell me you have not started Christmas projects yet. I haven't even realized it is September.

Lisa and Tate said...

What is it with the feeling of a slight crisp in the air and home cooking is craved. Ah the smells of a pot of stew or soup or casserole in the oven. I love Autumn and all the first.


Anonymous said...

Hope Xanthe is doing well at preschool. What a first! I loved the pictures of the autumn stew and the outdoor gear in the hailstorm. Kids remind us to appreciate the little things!

Jenny said...

One of my friends growing up had to make home made donuts for the first snow storm. I can still smell them cooking. And uhhh, did you forget about Halloween and Thanksgiving? We are getting out pumpkins around here! But then again I am one of those save it to the last minute for Christmas so I have more shopping to look forward to longer!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the advice today. You have such great kids!

Erin said...

Go Xanthe! You must have rocked preschool with that "do" you have goin' on! Love the kids outfits... it cracks me up when little ones get decked out for big events like hailstorms. They seem to put as much thought into their get-ups as any adult would for a swanky event.

love.boxes said...

Circ.. you are an angel yourself. Thank you! Thank you! I love that beautiful fabric you used.. the perfect colors!

X doesn't look that happy about the new do.