Tuesday, June 25, 2013


My Instagram Picture of the day:  "Good-bye, Doda and Woobee!  Tizzeee wubs you!"

Scott took Golda and Ruby to JFK today for their flight into independence.  Actually, they flew to Reykjavik.  They should be there now, with a tight connection, so I am holding my breath.  Then on to Paris, the city of their dreams!  I was so excited and nervous as they boarded their flight that I forgot I was supposed to meet my friends for lunch.  When they called, I jumped in the car, not noticing that a hornet was travelling with me.  Screaming, I pulled over and it quickly exited through a window, its stinger intact, thank heavens.  A minute later, something that looked very much like a hornet floated in front of my face, and I screamed and swerved again, only to realize it was a little wisp of cotton.  If you had seen me careening my way down Crestwood Road twenty minutes late for lunch, screaming at wisps of cotton, you would not have believed me if I said, "Ya, I feel good about this trip.  I feel calm."

Uh huh.  So calm.

If I was a little on edge, Scott was ten times worse.  He was a blubbering wreck when he dropped them off.  He cried.  They cried.  Everyone around them was sympathetically amused.  Everyone on Instagram was deluged with photos of the three of them bawling. Scott texted me, "I haven't felt these intense emotions since we were dating, and I don't like it!"

All day, my dad has been tracking the flight and sending me updates.
"They are over Labrador."
"35,000 feet, 520 knots."
"Between Greenland and Iceland."
"441 miles left to landing."

As I was writing just now, I got the hornet in the car feeling again, hoping the girls made their connection in Iceland. I just called Ruby and she and Golda are in Reykjavik, standing in line to board their flight to Paris.  They made their connection!  I am relieved.  Ruby said the airport is "really small, and it's the middle of the night, but it's kindof still light outside, and the people on our flight are the only people here.  It's kindof eerie."  She said it's foggy, so they couldn't see much outside.  So that's their tour of Iceland.

Now Scott is on his way home from New York.  The girls are on their way to Paris, at least on the plane.  It's all good!  I said to Scott today, after he gave Golda and Ruby a father's blessing, "The people on their flight are lucky.  They'll be protected all the way because they're with Golda and Ruby."  :)

I'm so excited for them.  As hard as it is to see them go, it's twice as thrilling to think of them living these big lives we have been preparing them for.  That said, Scott claims that none of our kids are ever going on missions, or ever leaving home for any reason, ever again.  Now all I need to do is get Scott home so I can talk him down, sweet daddy that he is.


Ernstfamilyfun said...

Wow- exciting!

Jennie said...

We're so excited for them. I hope Ruby posts a ton of Insta pics so we can track their trip with them.

The homestead said...

Good for you for letting them go. It will be something they will always remember.

michelle said...

You wrote this one for me didn't you? Because I have been wondering all night if they made the connection. You and Scott are so brave, and amazing for helping them chase those dreams! That said I have to admit that you friends at lunch were a bit relieved to see that you did get a little rattled by this huge day! We were getting a bit intimidated by your calm! But I do think your calm is such a good thing!

Shane and Kenzie said...

I can't IMAGINE what emotions you and Scott must be feeling!

Jenny said...

I think Scott will forget that saying goodbye feeling. It's kind of like having a baby. You forget how horrible being pregnant is until your already having another one. I am sure your girls are ready for this and what an education they will get! Can't teach that in a classroom!! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

So excited for them..what a chance of a lifetime, they may return and return to Paris and Spain, but there will never be another experience like this one, off on their own, trusted by their parents, and sent on their way to enjoy a new and wonderful adventure. May it be everything they have been saving and dreaming of and may they be safe in all of their adventures. Can't wait to see posts of them. Bless them and you!.....so excited for them! Love Tricia