Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My summer plan was:  Everyone must be up and dressed by 8:00.  By 9:30, chores and practicing must be done.  !0 to noon is possible friend time, unless we go somewhere.  Then we're free until it's time to pick up the house in the late afternoon, in time for dinner.

Sunday night, we had a family council where we laid out the plan and talked about the upcoming week.  Everyone was on board, or at least had the common sense not to say anything to contradict the plan.

Monday morning Golda had to be at Weber for ballet recital staging by 8:00, so we were all up and everyone was starting their chores and practicing by the time I left at 7:30.  I am such a great mom!  When I got home at 8:30 to take Ruby for staging, everything was done!  So I assigned more chores and left again.  Came home to retrieve Ari a couple of hours later to find a clean house and a sleeping baby.  Looking back, I can see that that's where the cracks in the plan started to form.

I said to Xanthe, "Why don't you go with me to Ari's staging rehearsal?  It will be fun!"  She said, "Mom, MY staging is today.  It's on Monday and today is Monday."  Yes, four hours into summer, I was subjecting kids to scheduling blunders.  I threw Xanthe in the car with her costume, a bunch of hair stuff and some size 12-14 tights.  Her ballet shoes were nestled safely in her special bag in the mudroom.  She ended up in tights that were four feet too long and ballet shoes that were three sizes too big, borrowed from a friend.  The woes of a fourth daughter!

By the end of Day One of summer, after six staging rehearsals, three trips to Weber State and lots of chores and practicing, we ended up at Cherry Hill.  And if you end up floating down the lazy river, things must have turned out just fine.

Day Two was even smoother, but no lazy river.  Day three, we've had a cello lesson, lunch with friends, enough vacuuming to overheat the vacuum, and a very slow one-mile walk for exercise, and now it's time for the lazy river.  So we're not knocking ourselves out.  But we're having fun and getting stuff done.  Niiiice.  So far!


michelle said...

Yep, you rock! So glad lunch figured into the plan!

Unknown said...

Sounds Perfect. Get your work done and then you have your fun! (That is my saying but it rarely gets done without lots of reminding.) But you get it done without even being there, you drive away and it is done when you come back. Magical!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are starting off to a good summer, even with mishaps of tights, etc. especially including the lazy river! Sounds perfect!.

laurel said...

I've been trying to make a summer plan. No one listens, or errands happen, or tragedies in the family happen that keep putting off what I realize is my last summer with my daughter at home! Crap. People in the world need to comply with my summer schedule! I am glad that you had time to fit that in and that you are trying. Bravo.