Monday, June 13, 2016

President Ruby

Can I be in awe for a minute?  Ruby, who was resting on the steps in this picture, not able to make it all the way down...this girl absolutely killed her junior year.  She came out of the fog with a 3.66, even after completely dropping out.  It brought down her cumulative, but still.  It's pretty darn amazing.  Much had to be left by the wayside, but thankfully, not everything.  She also came out of it having moved up to the highest level in ballet, and has been elected Dance Company president.  She's been preparing for that for two years, working hard and doing all the things that would qualify her to throw her hat in the ring.

The day of the election, Golda and I waited and waited for Ruby to walk through the door, talking about how much we wanted her to achieve her goal.  When she threw open the door, it was with a confident smile.  "You're looking at the new Dance Company president!"  What a sweet moment of triumph.  I'm so happy that Ruby gets this opportunity.  I hadn't fully realized it, but the title comes with an auxiliary title for me.  I'm officially Dance Company Mom.  Well, how exciting!

It sounds like I'm bragging about Ruby, and I am, but if you knew how hard it's been for her the past few months, you'd gladly indulge my hubris and even jump in yourself to say it with me.  "Wow, Ruby! You're amazing.  I'm so proud of you."


Jennifer said...

Way to go, Ruby! I'm sure she powered through her sickness without complaining, which is a triumph all its own. I'm grateful to know her and have her as a role model for our family.

michelle said...

You should brag about Ruby! A lot!! I am so excited she gets this opportunity! No one could possibly deserve it more!