Friday, June 24, 2016

Flaming Gorge Scout Camp

Scott and Freestone were in denial when they left for scout camp.  They dressed as if they were about to embark on a tropical vacation. The reality was this:
It's not Hawaii, but the scenery looks spectacular at Flaming Gorge, doesn't it?  They canoed 34 miles and hiked 10.  The rest of the time, they sat around stacking rocks in the blazing sun.  Scout camp was short on shade, but long on bonding time.  Scott had a hard time going, because it was the week before Golda left.  Sometimes when you're doing the best thing for one kid, it feels like you're doing the wrong thing for another kid.  Scott tried to spend as much time as he could with Golda before scout camp, so he could focus on Freestone during that week.  June has been unlike anything we've ever experienced, with wave after wave hitting us.  It's been like contractions at the end of labor; no break in between.  Fortunately, it's all bee fun stuff. The end of school, then Willy Wonka, then ballet recital, then Fathers Day and Freestone's birthday, then scout camp, and Victor and Sofia arriving, and Scott and Freestone coming home, and Golda's farewell, then Golda getting set apart as a missionary, thenAraceli leaving for Pioneer Trek, then Golda leaving.  Those were some of the highlights.

And suddenly, labor was over, and Golda was gone.  If we're continuing the analogy, life doesn't stop after labor ends, because you have a baby.  Or in our case, Life After Golda.  The day we dropped her off at the MTC, Ruby had a Dance Company Party, then we left for Idaho.

I'm sure I'll post pictures of all of these events.  Until then...what I meant to say was, "Scout Camp!"

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