Wednesday, June 29, 2016

First Letter!

 When we got home from dropping Golda off, this gem was waiting in our inboxes.  There is so much to say about the experience, and so many thanks owed to so many generous friends and neighbors, that I don't know where to start.  For now, I just want everyone to know how happy we are that Golda is doing this, and how happy she feels, too.

I'm a missionary!!!
There is no way to properly express how I feel in an email, but I will just
give you a quick rundown and reassure you that I am so happy and that I
know this church is true....

My host was from Davis, the one who got called to Cambodia; Casey Cheney.
She was so nice and helpful and led me through a bunch of doors so I could
get all my official missionary stuff. I got my badge first and the
characters look so foreign and so familiar at the same time. It was a
whirlwind of doors, greetings, and instructions. My companion is Sister
Briggs, who I have been messaging on Instagram! She seems so nice and I'm
glad I kind of knew who she is already. My room has three sets of bunkbeds
and three closets. After dropping off my luggage and getting a big bag full
of language material, I went into my lesson building. Two brothers
immediately began speaking to me in Cantonese, then led me to this room
where I completed an informational video/quiz and get to email you!
It's so strange how normal this already feels. I feel so happy and
excited-I can definitely feel the prayers from everyone, so thank you! I
think I will learn how to introduce myself today and will be praying by
I am so grateful to be able to be hear and be taught by wonderful people so
that I can teach people about Jesus Christ. I have never felt so peaceful
about where I am than now. This is where I am supposed to be.
I love you all so so so much and better get going back to Sister Briggs and
begin learning Cantonese! This adventure has begun and I could not be more
thrilled or excited.
Dad-eat a lot of Michelle's cookies and say hi to everyone
Love you all,

*Sister Dopp*


Jennie said...

I'm so glad she is doing well. It will be so fun to read her letters.

michelle said...

Love this! And I have more cookies in the freezer!

michelle said...

Love this! And I have more cookies in the freezer!