Sarah gave me the best gingerbread recipe. My kids and the "Scheuller cousins," as Ari and Free call them, went to town rolling out dough and being creative. A few of the cookies even made it to the oven. Jake (an actual cousin!) came over to help eat the cookies. It was funny to watch them sneak around the corner, grab a cookie and run, as if I didn't see them. Ruby and Golda were thrilled when I gave them carte blanche with the frosting after school. So much more fun than homework! All the things I thought I "needed to do" kind of fell by the wayside today. It turns out, gingerbread was what I really needed to do. I mean, January is no time for gingerbread. Ya gotta do it now. To steal a quote from Tiffany's blog:
"Happiness...not in another place, but this place. Not for another hour, but this hour." -Walt Whitman
Hi Circe,Wow,have I missed your postings,I just went check out the party going on & a few blogs posted,but now I see I missed a lot on your blog!Boy,how time flies.I keep telling my husband that it seems like everything just happened yesterday when it was actually months or years ago...boy is that bad. :) Anyways,I love the handpainted first I thought it might have been by your kids,I was so impressed since they are so beautiful!Talk about inspiration!My middle daughter is the artist in the family & I'm the wanna be artist. :) Love the gingerbread cookies,too.Oh yeah,I hear you when you talk about the math daughter struggled in math the last 3 years & this year she has a great teacher that helps her so she does it all on her own,thank goodness b/c I saw her homework last night & thought she was a genius b/c I didn't remember that stuff at all,but you know what has also helped her is those charts for their binders...they have all different subjects,she got hers at Borders & they show you the formulas for area & lots of other things & she says it helps a lot so you might want to check that out.I know they say you use math in the real world,but I don't know when I've had to use triangles,etc. ;) Well,bye for now!Renee
Look at all those beautiful happy faces. I never see that face on Xanthe.. she's a bit leary of me still. Looks like such a fun party!
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