Monday, December 31, 2007

Farewell To Toyland and a Visit to Jakey's Chocolate Factory

What a weekend! Golda's last 3 performances of Babes in Toyland. Discovery Museum. Playing with DeBry and Dopp cousins. Getting new Primary teachers. Our 12th anniversary. And of course, Jake's birthday party. I hope Michelle and Rob post lots of pictures of the amazing decorations, the fun activities and the happy kids! Michelle made cool lollipops and a cake I'm still craving!

Now, the kids are partying like it's 1999, eating souvlaki and rice and root beer floats. Happy New Year!


Michelle said...

I hope scott is planning on buying a shotgun in a few years because that Golda is getting sooooo beautiful! Have a fun new year!

love.boxes said...

Those lollis look quite awsome! Congratulations to Golda! She looks great!