Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Whiskers on Kittens...

I'm really not a big fan of raindrops on roses, and I'm allergic to cats, but I have been enjoying a few of my favorite things lately.
One: delivering neighbor gifts. Freestone and Henry were little work horses on that job. They loved driving slowly up the street with the car door open so they could jump out at each house. That was pretty exciting. I'm sure some of the neighbors are wondering why there are broken bottles of Tabasco in their bushes, but I think most of the gifts hit their mark.
Two: Sleepovers! We stayed at the downtown Marriott after Golda's play on Saturday. My dad took us all to Lamb's, where I used to work as a waitress. It's always a fun place at Christmastime. Later, it was so much fun to put on our swimsuits in the middle of winter and sit in the hotel's indoor hot tub watching the ice skaters and Christmas lights out the windows. It's great to get away from all the to-do lists and be downtown during the holidays. Araceli got the royal treatment and slept in Coco and Bill's room. She missed out on Xanthe's extended good night's. It was like "The Waltons" in our room for about twenty minutes. Xanthe would say, "Night night, Mama. Night night, Daddy. Night night, Tee-Tone." Whenever someone giggled, she would say, "A quiet! A go apeep!" Finally, I took her for a walk in the lobby. I told her if we were really quiet, the monster from Golda's play wouldn't find us. She went right to sleep after that!
Three: Silent Nights. Sometimes you have to catch "silent" in the middle of the night around here. I don't know why I woke up at 2:00 in the morning and ate all the gingerbread, but it sure was fun. I sat on the couch and admired the lights on the Christmas trees and thought about how much fun this time of year is.
Four: Finding goodies on the doorstep and Christmas cards in the mailbox. Who doesn't love that? I don't want the Christmas season to end, yet I can vaguely remember what life was like before the holidays, and I liked it. So it will be nice to get back to a quieter routine. But not yet! Let the festivities continue! Bring on the fudge!
P. S. Happy Birthday, Trajan and Josh! (Separately, of course!)


love.boxes said...

Little c adores fudge. I wish Xanthe would talk to me, but she's too shy. I can't wait to hear her cute little voice. That sounds like such a fun weekend. I think I need to try that one. I'm itching to get my camera downtown and take some shots of the lights! :)

Michelle said...

And here I am, enjoying the quiet while everyone is asleep right now! It is the only way I am going to get what needs to be done done. Bless those diet Dr. pepper people! I am going to post angel pics tomorrow!