Friday, August 7, 2009

Let's Take a Vote

Here are the facts: My 20 year high school reunion is in one week. I gained 35 pounds during my pregnancy. I've lost 20. Everyone is asleep or away except me.

Let's take a vote: Should I make a batch of cookie dough and eat all of it myself? Or should I slice up a peach and look slimmer at my reunion? You realize this is a rhetorical question, right? Nobody who is my friend is going to tell me how delicious peaches are. Also, everyone I went to high school with is either 1. my husband, 2. a close friend or 3. has a daughter in one of my ballet classes. So I'll still see them all the time when I'm thin again. Later. After I eat all this cookie dough. Yes, I already made the cookie dough. I told you the question was rhetorical.


Michelle said...

EAT the cookie dough! Want me to come join you? Because I have completely abandoned the idea of trying to lose even one pound by Saturday. (It wasn't working anyway)Instead I am just going to go shopping next week for a new body-sucker-inner. I just made that term up but I have decided it is the way to go and your right, we all love each other anyway right?

Michelle said...

Hey, where is everyone and how did you swing that?

Eliza2006 said...

Plus, how much damage can be done in one week? You could/should eat cookie dough every day!

The homestead said...

Don't you love the pressure of an event like a reunion? I would eat the cookie dough and enjoy every minute of it.

Lisa and Tate said...

I'm voting for the dough!!! You look fantastic! Just a guess, but I bet a lot of alumni will look like they just had a baby, and probably did not!

love.boxes said...

Mmmmmmmmm. :)

Jennie said...

I vote cookies. You have the BEST excuse in the world, a BRAND new baby. I'm sure he'll be in tow that night since you are his life source anyway. No one is going to say or think a thing. In fact, they'll probably be ticked at you that you look so good AFTER having a baby. :)

Elisa said...

The cookie batter, brownie batter and the obscene amounts of french fries are among the many reasons I will be not attending the 20year reunion.

Have a grand time!