Wednesday, August 26, 2009


"In the beginning, the moon was really, really big and that's what gave Jesus the idea to make all the planets." That's what Jakey told Freestone, and Freestone agreed.
"Yeah! And he made Jupiter first."
Could be. Seems like there are quite a few misconceptions about Jesus out there. Just today, I had this conversation with small theologians:

Xanthe: Henry found a bird that is dead.
Me: OK. Let's see. How about if we bury it?
Henry (clutching the dead bird): We can't do that! He couldn't breathe.
Me: Yeah, but he's dead. So...
Henry: But he's coming back to life when Jesus gets here!
Me: What are we going to do with him until Jesus gets here?
Henry: How about put him in a nest so another bird can watch him?

There's got to be some kind of object lesson in there somewhere. Maybe these kids know exactly what they're talking about. I wouldn't discount their ideas, that's for sure. Kids, in their innocence, are the closest thing to heaven there is.


Jennie said...

I love a child's perspective. If only everything in life could be simple and so uncomplicated!

Michelle said...

Thanks Circ, needed that today!

laurel said...

That is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes:) Maybe we could all learn more that way!

love.boxes said...

there's something so tender about what Henry said. :)