I wondered how Star would react to having a baby in the house. Over-curious, jealous, protective? When we brought Ptolemy home...nothing. No reaction from the dog whatsoever. Her attitude seemed to be, "A baby. Big deal. I've had three litters of them. Good luck with that, suckers." She paid no attention to Ptolemy at all until she accidentally realized his flailing arms could kind of pet her if she positioned herself right. Now they're best friends. Tolly thinks Star is amusing and Star likes having her ears pulled. Win-win. Whenever Freestone's stories get boring, Star is there to wonder at and grab for.
Now it's Freestone who is jealous. He doesn't like Star getting all the attention. Naturally, he's ramped up the excitement factor in his storytelling and video game tutorials. He said tonight, "Tolly should really sleep in my room with me because he is mostly mine." With all his heart, Freestone believes that. And in the long run, it's probably true. If all goes according to what is right and good, Freestone and Ptolemy will still be together as brothers when their dogs...and their mom and dad...are gone. Makes me a little jealous...
Take good care of each other, boys.
That is so cute! Tolly, Star, and Freestone are precious together. What a great little trio.
I love the perspective of these two boys navigating life together. It is a tender thought for a mother. I think we all echo those sentiments when we think of our own children.
So touching. Your title alone, "Dog Star," had meaning on so many different levels: astronomy, navigation, light, Tolly being a hit with the dog, and of course, Star herself. I've never forgotten a book club at Emily M's house when her dog Lizzie (from one of Star's litters) leaped with joy at your entrance. Wouldn't it be great, when our children leave our homes, for them to leap with joy when they encounter the essence of their mothers?
Small world. I couldn't believe it when your cousin posted on our blog that she had been on our flight home from LA to SLC with Pearl's adoption. I'm glad that she remembers. By that time- it's all a blur of airports, airplanes, and kids. I do remember that there were several UT Disneyland families on that flight...but otherwise a blur.
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