If you know Freestone, this homework assignment will make you laugh. It's so Freestone. the assignment was to write three sentences about something you like to do outside. Freestone wrote, "I hate outside. I hate everything abowt outside. But I love to ride scoodrs."
He's always been a contrary boy. When he was going through the dinosaur phase, we called him "Contraryraptor." This week, he might be feeling more contrary than usual. Freestone whined one too many times and got his video game time taken away until Friday. On day two of no video games, I caught him quietly sobbing, his hands in his pockets, looking despairingly at his empty DS charger. It can make a boy grumpy when his source of endorphins is taken away. I like this plan, though. It eliminates the frantic earning of video game time through reading and jobs. Now it's just the reading and the jobs, sans the reward. When the weekend comes, Free can play all his systems to his heart's content, and I won't feel a bit guilty. Meanwhile, I'm going to send him outside to scoodr. I'm trying to raise a kid here, not a Mario brother!
Hi! I am a friend of Jennie's and I like to read your blog. I also have a video game obsessed 6 yr old boy. I am curious about your system for earning video game time with chores and reading? Do you mind sharing? I could use any help with balancing his life!
Mr.Contrary is lucky to have such an understanding mom!
Hee hee hee. We will be there for the big CNY. THanks for having us.
Thank heavens Free still likes his scoodr. Your Mom wisdom must come with experience!
Hey, we're making Haitian dolls tomorrow with our activity day girls. What inspiration your Golda and Ruby are. Thanks for filling Jenny in on all the info. And I love reading your blog.
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