Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tabula Rasa

I love a clean slate.  We came home from the beach, which in itself was a cleansing experience, to find that Coco had been up to her old tricks.  Whenever we go away, something gets coconized, meaning organized by my mom.  We absolutely LOVE that Coco has this organizing compulsion.  She did the pantry, complete with a wreath on the door, and the kitchen, including the fridge and all the drawers.  Now my dishrag drawer is a little slice of heaven, stocked with new, fresh rags instead of old bibs and dried bread crumbs.  Luxury!

My phone is a clean slate, too.  I lost my phone in a restaurant in Coronado, so my new phone has no contact numbers.  My brain has gotten lazy, relying solely on my phone contact list to function, so I don't know anyone phone numbers at all.  So if you call me, we'll still be friends.  If not...I'll miss you! 

I'm also wiping the slate clean with my diet.  Lunch and dinner are salads.  I don't scrimp on the toppings (tuna, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, cranberries, cilantro, avocado, apples, oranges, ham, cheese, sunflower seeds...), but the dressing is limited to sesame oil and soy sauce or apple cider vinegar.  Let's hope the greens will eradicate the effects of Seacoast Pizza and peanut butter cookies.  I'm loving the change, actually.  The fresh food matches the magnificent weather and makes me feel crisp and new, like a brilliant fall day.  I just have to plan the next trip to coincide with my rag drawer getting messed up again!  Mom?  You in?


Jennie said...

I wish I had a Coco. :) She could start on our gargage and work her way through the house. The boys would love if whe would do their rooms. We've only lived here for 4 years. You would think I would have gotten around to decorating their rooms by now. :)

Queen Elizabeth said...

Are you kidding me? Where is her East Coast clone? LUCKY!

Michelle said...

My mom did the same thing! My pantry, fridge, oven and laundry room. so nice.

laurel said...

Can I borrow her?