Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Various Forms of Creativity

Araceli packed for the beach trip all by herself.  I peeked and found one outfit, a jacket, a book and two doll-sized diaper bags full of various skin-care products Ari has never used before.  I threw an extra couple of outfits into my bag and left Ari's as-is.  It was too cute.

This is her entry for the Nutcracker cover.  I asked her how she came up with all those details from the ballet.  She said, "I just played the ballet in my mind.  It's not like I don't have it memorized!"  Well, duh!

I love this kid!


Michelle said...

I think she got it exactly right!

Michelle said...

Hey, you know I am diapearing from blogland starting tomorrow right? Just didn't want you to think I didn't love each and every post. Don't worry, I will catch up when I come home!