Saturday, October 30, 2010

Xanthe's Special Day

Xanthe went on a special date with Grandma and Grandpa Friday.  To earn it, she had to do a good job practicing and be nice for a whole week.  She was great;  bribery works.  She had her date all planned out and woke up while it was still dark outside to wait.  And wait.  Around eleven, I was wishing I had asked Grandma and Grandpa to take Xanthe to breakfast!

Grandma and Grandpa took Xanthe to her favorite restaurant, Panda Express, and then took her shopping.  Xanthe had said she wanted to look for "a beautiful dress with Santa and the reindeer and the jingle bells with sparkles all around."  A tall order, but Grandma is an excellent shopper, so I had no doubt they would find the perfect thing.

When Xanthe got home, she was beaming.  She had such a good time being the special one.  There's nothing she enjoys more than having everybody's undivided attention.  Scott asked her, "Xanthe, what did you get with Grandma and Grandpa?"

Her answer shows her personality to a T:  "I got noodles and orange chicken."

Scott looked at the gorgeous dress, which even came with an adorable, matching doll dress and said, "Anything else?"

Xanthe said, "Oh yeah, and we went to the dollar store and got this dress!"

I'm pretty sure they didn't buy the dress at the dollar store!  And she really does love it, Grandma and Grandpa.  Just not quite as much as she loves orange chicken.  Thank you for making Xanthe's day!  We love you.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I'm so happy her day finally arrived. She was SO excited that morning. I love the dress X. Grandma really out did herself on that one. So pretty!