Thursday, April 28, 2011

Araceli Shines

 Bribery - Scott was kidding!
 Araceli and Mrs. Anderson.  Ari liked her so much, she took her a little note and gift to say thanks for teaching the choir.  What a dedicated teacher!
 Scott and Bill, still trying to convince Freestone that he's having fun.  He was ecstatic when he got to leave early with me to take the girls to dance.  I've never seen him so cheerful.  I guess he won't be singing in the choir next year.  Or ever.
 Araceli in 1955.  What is the deal with the antique look here?
Tonight was Araceli's school choir concert.  She has been going to school at 7:45 a.m. twice a week for awhile to participate in choir, and it has been a lot of fun.  Songs get stuck in Ari's head, so I've been hearing the repertoire non-stop for weeks.  For the big concert, we forced Freestone into the car at the last minute amid tears and wailing.  When we got to the school, Scott tried to lighten the mood by offering Freestone sixty-five dollars to go inside for the concert.  He didn't even want the money - not that Scott would have really given it to him.  At least all the tears washed off most of the dirt that was caked on Freestone's face.

The choir was great.  Araceli was a cute little angel up there, singing her heart out. She kept smiling at me and trying to get Ptolemy's attention.  Ari had a little cold and didn't feel too great, but took a nap after school, gulped some ibuprofen and got herself to the concert.  She is a strong girl.  She is such a capable person, I sometimes forget how hard she works to get her practicing and homework done, help around the house, babysit Ptolemy and be prepared for her dance classes and cello lessons.  And she still thinks to write cute notes for everyone, all the time.   Thanks, Araceli.  "Love you the most!"


sws said...

65 dollars? too funny. We miss Ari. Congrats on the concert!

Nate said...

Congratulations to Ari! You have determination and talent! 65$ ?? We better save up to bribe Emi's brothers.

love.boxes said...

Wow! Good job Ari!

Anonymous said...

Freestone doesn't know a good deal when he sees one. I'd take $65 in a heartbeat. Then I'd be halfway to my goal for girl's camp.